Before you place an order for a .us domain, please take note of the following:
The only persons or entities that can register a .us domain name is/are
- United States Citizen
- United States Resident
- United States Organization
- Foriegn entity with pesence in the United States
Registration process
To register a .us domain name, you are required to send a written response with documentary evidence stating that you meet the category identified in your domain name registration.
The following are acceptable evidence for each .us TLD NexUS category
- Category 1(i), United States Citizen: US Passport or US Birth Certificate
- This must show the registrant's name
- Category 1(ii & iii), United States Permanent Resident or Primary Place of Domicile:Green Card
- This must establish permanent residency and show the registrant's name.
- Category 2, United States Organization: Valid Deed, Lease, Tax ID, or other official document with the entity's United States address listed
- This must show the registrant's organization, its United states address and be current (i.e from within the last two years)
- Category 3, Foreign Entity with Bonafide Presence: Valid Bill of Sale with a United States buyer, or if the entity has a United States address, a valid deed or lease, or other official document with the entity's United States address listed
- A bill of sale must show the registrant's organization and a buyer in the United States
- If the organization has a United States address, documents must show the registrant's organizationand its United States address and be current. (i.e from within the last two years)
Feel free to send a mail to for any inquiries.