Criteria for registering a .us domain name

Before you place an order for a .us domain, please take note of the following: 

The only persons or entities that can register a .us domain name is/are 
  1. United States Citizen
  2. United States Resident
  3. United States Organization
  4. Foriegn entity with pesence in the United States

Registration process 
To register a .us domain name, you are required to send a written response with documentary evidence stating that you meet the category identified in your domain name registration.

The following are acceptable evidence for each .us TLD NexUS category 
  • Category 1(i), United States Citizen: US Passport or US Birth Certificate
    • This must show the registrant's name
  • Category 1(ii & iii), United States Permanent Resident or Primary Place of Domicile:Green Card
    • This must establish permanent residency and show the registrant's name.
  • Category 2, United States Organization: Valid Deed, Lease, Tax ID, or other official document with the entity's United States address listed
    • This must show the registrant's organization, its United states address and be current (i.e from within the last two years)
  • Category 3, Foreign Entity with Bonafide Presence: Valid Bill of Sale with a United States buyer, or if the entity has a United States address, a valid deed or lease, or other official document with the entity's United States address listed
    • A bill of sale must show the registrant's organization and a buyer in the United States
    • If the organization has a United States address, documents must show the registrant's organizationand its United States address and be current. (i.e from within the last two years)
Once this has been sent, your request will be veted by the .US registry to confirm that your request is genuine. You will be notified as soon as your domain is approved to be registered and activated. 

Feel free to send a mail to for any inquiries.
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