Can I transfer or move my shared hosting account private server?
Yes, you can, you may contact our technical team for further assistance.
Do you offer backups?Yes. There are two kinds of backups we offer: snapshots and backups. Snapshots can be done at any...
Do you provide cPanel on Cloud Hosting?Yes, we do but at an additional cost. You may Contact our support team for more information
How can I upgrade my Cloud Hosting account?In order to upgrade your cloud hosting account, please send a mail to for...
How do I manage the DNS of my domains?We have a robust DNS system to ensure that you can manage your domains easily. Simply follow the...
How do I safely power cycle (reboot) my server?Login to your server as root and execute the "power off" or "shutdown -h now" command. This will...
What are your name servers?You can make use of the following DNS records.
What processor models does Cloud Hosting run on?We use server-grade Intel Hexcore processors. To view the clock speed and other details of the...