What types of websites can use CloudFlare?

Almost all websites can use CloudFlare. CloudFlare works for both static and dynamic websites.

CloudFlare is not suitable for websites that stream video or audio directly from their origin server. If a website uses YouTube or Vimeo for the videos embedded on your website, then that is compatible with CloudFlare. Streaming content should be on a subdomain CloudFlare doesn't touch, if you still want to speed up the rest of your site.

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Kapcsolódó cikkek

Can I enable CloudFlare on a wildcard (*) sub-domain?

No, for security reasons, CloudFlare does not proxy traffic to a wildcard sub-domain. You have to...

How do I activate CloudFlare for my hosting account?

Getting started is super easy. You can activate Cloudflare on your account by following the...

Is CloudFlare compatible with a website with SSL?

Yes, a site with SSL can use CloudFlare, however there is an extra step. If the SSL is on its own...

What does the orange and the grey cloud means in the CloudFlare section of my cPanel?

An orange cloud means that your web traffic will pass through the CloudFlare system (Enabled). A...

Why is my subdomain not working?

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