
 Criteria for registering a domain name

Before you place an order for your domain name, take note of the following: The SLD...

 Criteria for registering a domain name

  Before you place an order for a domain, please take note of the following:...

 Criteria for registering a .ngo|.ong domain name

  The domain extension .NGO and .ONG will be offered as a technical bundle – registration...

 Criteria for registering a .us domain name

Before you place an order for a .us domain, please take note of the following:  The only...

 How long would it take to register a domain?

It generally takes about a week as the request for the domain must be confirmed and verified...

 Registering a government or federation domain name

The "" SLD is a closed domain reserved ONLY for "Independent National Electoral...

 Who can register a domain?

The SLD is a closed one and reserved ONLY for tertiary academic institutions approved and...

 Who can register a domain?

Allotment of is restricted to the constituents of the  Government of Nigeria at various...